LUNCH & LEARN | Employee Performance & Termination

Discover the steps to managing employee performance and navigating the complexities of termination with our Lunch & Learn session. This program is designed for HR professionals, managers, and business leaders who are committed to fostering a productive and legally compliant workplace.


Training Highlights:

Probation Period Management

Master the art of setting clear expectations during the probation period and effectively assessing new hires to ensure the right fit for your organisation.

Performance & Appraisals
Learn to conduct insightful performance appraisals that motivate employees, highlight areas for improvement, and align individual goals with organisational objectives.

Handling Misconduct and Serious Misconduct
Equip yourself with strategies to address employee misconduct promptly and appropriately, maintaining workplace discipline and integrity. Understanding the difference between poor performance and misconduct, and how to manage each.

Understanding Reasons for Dismissal
Gain clarity on valid grounds for termination, ensuring decisions are justified and documented to safeguard your organisation from potential disputes.

Navigating Unfair Dismissal Claims
Protect your organisation by understanding the nuances of unfair dismissal, including how to avoid common pitfalls and handle claims effectively.

Managing Resignations
Learn best practices for managing employee resignations to ensure smooth transitions and maintain a positive work environment.

Addressing Absenteeism
Develop proactive approaches to manage absenteeism, reduce its impact on productivity, and support employee well-being.

19/06/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
AUS Central Standard Time
Online registration not available.

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